Friday, January 28, 2011

First week of school....

So, this week was our first week of school. The munchkins are growing up so fast. Everyone seems to have adjusted very well. Yoshi seems to be having fun! Every day he is super happy to see me when I get him from his classroom. The reports every day have been glowing.
His teacher says that the only "problem" is that he is impatient (just like mom!). They have a slide in the room and if the other kids are on it and he wants to go down he says "GO!" and tries to push them down the slide. Elvis, has had a good week at school also. She is playing and eating and pooping as usual. She also gets really excited when we get there to pick her up, she just starts yelling and yelling when she sees daddy and I. Yoshi's teacher told me that she was in the "baby room" and no one had to tell her who Elvis was, they are both goin, goin, goin...

Looking forward to Elvis's late 6 month pictures, I was hoping to get them done before I went back to school. That didn't happen! Now to find the time to do it, I'm thinking next Thursday afternoon(maybe). I will say the Christmas pictures turned out GREAT!

We are looking forward to having Auntie Amber and Uncle Joe and the girls over for Superbowl. Amber and I are going to throw down...Her being a Steelers fan and I a Packers fan! It will be a fun day and Yoshi will get to see his girlfriend and Elvis will get to see her B.F.F.! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How on Earth...

What can I say about Yoshi and Elvis.... Probably how they got their nik names. Well, I feel that Yoshi is a given, his name is Josh (Joshy...Yoshi). Which is funny because my favorite Nintendo character is Yoshi. Elvis, is a little bit different, I know...Why on earth do I call my daughter Elvis???? I came home from school one day and she was wearing this...

You cant tell me that with the popped collar and the 1970's looking outfit that she does not look like Elvis! I love my girl she is the best!
So, this is a great idea and I have to give props to my girl Amber for inspiring me to write this and lets see if I have the time to keep up!